Archive for the 'Portal 2' Category

Portal 2 Marathon

June 17th, 2011 | Category: HPAW,Marathons,News,Portal 2

By popular demand and largely because Valve released the Portal 2 soundtrack for free I decided that our Co-op marathon while awesome was not enough. We need the full single player story as well! The sequel to a game we covered in an episode needed a marathon and here it is with one of the best cast we have ever had! Mempf, WorldGone Awry, Kaisuke, Dark Elf, Dante the Jedi over Skype, new guest Master P, and we are later joined by Teclis. This is a full start to finish marathon with Dark Elf, WorldGone Awry and Kaisuke as the people playing the game. This could be our best marathon yet!

HD Versions:
Portal 2 Marathon Part 1 (HD/720P+) (1.2 GiB)
Portal 2 Marathon Part 2 (HD/720P+) (1.2 GiB)
Portal 2 Marathon Part 3 (HD/720P+) (1.7 GiB)
Portal 2 Marathon Part 4 (HD/720P+) (1.6 GiB)
Portal 2 Marathon Part 5 (HD/720P+) (1.6 GiB)

SD Versions:
Portal 2 Marathon Part 1 (SD/Mobile) (516.2 MiB)
Portal 2 Marathon Part 2 (SD/Mobile) (501.7 MiB)
Portal 2 Marathon Part 3 (SD/Mobile) (646.7 MiB)
Portal 2 Marathon Part 4 (SD/Mobile) (565.7 MiB)
Portal 2 Marathon Part 5 (SD/Mobile) (663.7 MiB)


Portal 2 Co-op Marathon

April 26th, 2011 | Category: HPAW,Marathons,Portal 2

The cake is still a lie, but it does not matter, because we are robots now! The HPAW cast moves to do its first ever PC co-op marathon using a computer built out of spare parts. Mempf, Teclis, Kaisuke, WorldGone Awry and Biske come together to complete the cooperative testing experience that is Portal 2. This may be Biske’s last HPAW event as both he and Teclis are leaving the country in a few days (Teclis will be back in a month).

Playing as Atlas is both Mempf and WorldGone Awry and playing as P-Body we have Kaisuke and Teclis. We recorded the “Atlas” computer in 720P+ resolution for your viewing pleasure. Haven’t played the single player? Don’t worry as this marathon kept single player spoilers to a minimum. Just relax and enjoy us struggle to figure out Portal 2’s puzzles, who knows, it might even be funny!

HD Versions:

Download all HD versions via Bittorrent

Portal 2 Co-op Marathon Part 1 (HD/720P+) (1.4 GiB)
Portal 2 Co-op Marathon Part 2 (HD/720P+) (1.4 GiB)
Portal 2 Co-op Marathon Part 3 (HD/720P+) (1.3 GiB)
Portal 2 Co-op Marathon Part 4 (HD/720P+) (2.0 GiB)

SD Versions:
Portal 2 Co-op Marathon Part 1 (SD/iPod) (604.8 MiB)
Portal 2 Co-op Marathon Part 2 (SD/iPod) (512.3 MiB)
Portal 2 Co-op Marathon Part 3 (SD/iPod) (491.7 MiB)
Portal 2 Co-op Marathon Part 4 (SD/iPod) (744.9 MiB)