07-03-28 BF2142: Northern Strike

In this episode of HPAW we talk about the Xbox 360 Elite and the Wii and PS3’s future while we sit back and fight in the great ice age of 2142. This HPAW features Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike.

Full Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike Promotional Video


7 Comments so far

  1. 360 April 3rd, 2007 12:12 PM

    that game is sooo cool i only get to play bf2.

  2. Linkman April 7th, 2007 4:26 PM

    Good show!

  3. Scorch May 6th, 2007 2:26 PM

    cool wishi could play this game I only got mac

  4. master sword mem June 11th, 2007 12:05 PM

    if my pc was good enouth i would be playing this

  5. pettyfan45 June 13th, 2007 12:58 PM

    ill be geting bf 2142 over the weekend

  6. barka_123 June 18th, 2007 1:38 PM

    hey scorch, you can play battlefield 2142 on a mac, so long as you have a decent amount of vram on your video card, you just cant play BF2142 on OS X, you can have more than one operating system on one computer, if you can buy or get windowx xp, you can split your computer so you have windows XP and OS X and you can play PC games so long as your in XP

    p.s. sick videoooooo

  7. superbrawler94 July 28th, 2009 11:58 PM

    Very old vid.
    I understand what World was ORIGINALLY saying. He meant that dads get their kids to play hockey (or other sports), but when they become teenagers, they don’t wanna do what their parents want them to do. Then, the dads get all pissed off because they think their son could go pro, and then the kid’s just throwing it all away. I went through it, except with my brothers and basketball instead of my dad and hockey.

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