Grand Theft Auto IV

Marathon has been filmed and uploaded completely.
-Featuring Mempf, WorldGone Awry, Nw Striker, Teclis and Biske
-12 Parts (12+ hours of game footage)

Take 2 Games has blocked the viewing of our YouTube versions. Please use the download links below and remember to right click and choose save target as or save as. This prevents quicktime from trying to stream the episode (it won’t be able to).


6 Comments so far

  1. metalsnakezero May 11th, 2008 5:13 AM

    Smart idea Mempf, film 6 parts now then 6 more next week.

  2. goingcrasy202 May 11th, 2008 6:08 AM

    can’t wait

  3. kyuubi May 19th, 2008 6:03 PM

    your gta 4 marthon is good i like it hope you continue with the great vids

  4. DragonsRule94 June 13th, 2008 12:37 PM

    MY COMPUTER WON’t Let me watch your videos anymore on any website. Everytime I click Play It says “I’m sorry, but I’m a Fucking stupid retarded bitching computer who won’t let you watch these videos anymore, because of a non-existent virus that my idiotic self believes is origined from the videos of awesome harmlessness. But honestly I’m just being a skant to keep you from being happy and ruining your life by cutting your connection from your idols. Eat that deusch of a owner!” I mean come ON!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I wnat to watch your VIDEOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate my computer. So I’m guessing I won’t be able to watch your videos for a while, or until Itake my computer to a dark alley and kill it, but i don’t have enough money for another one. Oh, well. I guess this is good-bye 🙁 See Ya in another life.X(Go HPA……)

  5. Flakable 7 July 4th, 2011 2:15 PM

    i realy hope the guy above me did not do what i think he just did…..gulp.

  6. Bobby August 17th, 2011 8:41 AM

    wow World really sux balls in this i can do all tht wit my eyes closed

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