Jun 29

HPAW June 24th 2009: Mirrors Edge

Category: HPAW,News

Hello and welcome to another 2009 episode of HPAW. (We are keeping a decent schedule, yay!) This week HPAW takes a look at Mirror’s Edge, not a new game anymore but one that had slipped my mind for many months. Mirror’s Edge is a game about free running and is made by the same developer as the Battlefield series. We have a full cast for this episode, so join us as we take to the rooftops of Mirror’s Edge.

UPDATE: Version 2 of HD version has been released. Quality is MUCH improved and the file size is DOWN! Goes to show that opensource programs once again beat commercial programs

HPAW June 24th 2009: Mirror's Edge (HD/720P) V2 (1.2 GiB)
HPAW June 24th 2009: Mirror's Edge (SD/iPod) (470.2 MiB)

There were some serious technical difficulties with the live version of this episode. Hopefully next time will turn out better.

We also invite you to check out and help build HPAW’s New Wiki! as I don’t have the time to work on it much myself we will really need our community to help us out here. First and foremost we need a logo for the top corner of the wiki. Any artwork submissions can be submitted on the HPAW Forums.


6 Comments so far

  1. giraffeoffury June 25th, 2009 9:13 PM

    Yay!awesome episode!and also news of a splinter cell marathon with worldgone awry! Also does anyone know what type of system requirements mirrors edge has?i might buy it for my pc because it looked so good in the episode

  2. Mempf June 25th, 2009 9:23 PM

    giraffeoffury, here you go: http://tinyurl.com/n5fybf

    Next time try asking Google directly, much faster.

  3. giraffeoffury June 25th, 2009 10:20 PM

    Mempf:i would do that but it would be doing actually research,which feels like work,which i avoid, its much better to be lazy and make other people research it for me

  4. Efrendal June 26th, 2009 3:49 AM

    Good episode. Those physx-physics looked really nice. And not only was the ME’s ending great way to end the episode, worlds dancing made it a awesome ending.

  5. bkhalo26 July 9th, 2009 7:31 AM

    E3 looked good but I think that the top games were Halo 3:ODST, God of War 3 (unfortunatly) and Super Mario Galaxy 2. However, I’m excited for Batman: Arkham Asylum. Please do at least an episode on that game Mempf! Please!

    PS i’m a new user and a proud new member of the HPAW community.

  6. tiwggybk42 July 9th, 2009 6:35 PM

    Good as always can’t wait 4 spinter cell btw what do think about the ps3 & xbox trying to be more interactive?

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