Oct 14

About Us Page Added: Contest Results

Category: HPAW,News

Just when I think I can catch up with my university work it gets ever harder more time consuming (think 3000 word research paper).

Never the less there is an HPAW episode in planning and finally Dante the Jedi and myself have completed the long needed About Us page. That’s right new viewers you now can get an idea of what your about to watch before you watch it!

The final About Us page was inspired by the winners of our About Us page forum contest. The winners were Dudeawesome1000 and Death Bringer. If you both could private message me on the forums you can collect your prize.


8 Comments so far

  1. drdremacdre October 14th, 2008 7:44 PM

    yes another hpaw episode

  2. Sarge117 October 14th, 2008 9:10 PM

    awesome a new episode but my attention is on the bit about a 3000 word reaserch paper

  3. twilight wolf522 October 14th, 2008 9:30 PM

    Congrats to the winners. And it’s been a while seen there was a new episode on.

  4. Efrendal October 15th, 2008 4:25 AM

    YAY new episode!!! 🙂

  5. Sarge117 October 15th, 2008 4:06 PM

    also I doubt the winners will claim their prize anytime soon

  6. Dudeawesome1000 October 15th, 2008 6:00 PM

    First contest I ever enter, and I win. Wow.

  7. Cyfer23 October 15th, 2008 7:23 PM

    Congrats to Dudeawesome1000 and Death Bringer.

  8. overlord22 October 16th, 2008 8:09 PM

    Congrats to the Winners Dudeawesome1000 and Death Bringer.

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