Sep 11

HPAW Status Report

Category: HPAW,News

I think it is only fair to give you guys an update on the current status of HPAW.

At the start of September Teclis and I (Mempf) have started University, WorldGone Awry is completing another year of school here and Nw Striker is working full time.

Because of this and mainly for this month we may not be on schedule (don’t expect to much this month). We hope to get things up and running again by October when I can better balance school and my other activites such as HPAW. We will hopefully NOT be ending HPAW come 2009 which should make most of you very happy.

That said hopefully we will finish the SSBB tournament this weekend and film it within a week of that.

Thank you all for your understanding and continued support. And to Blitz there are no hard feelings from the HPAW cast.

Oh one last thing, entries for the About Us page will end this weekend so get them in ASAP (note: there may be multiple winners or partial winners and the final about us page will likely be a mega version of the best of the best.)


4 Comments so far

  1. videogameking September 12th, 2008 5:16 AM

    You and Teclis are in College now? Congratulations! I wonder how much NW Striker gets paid…good luck on trying to balance things out.

  2. ZombieReaper13 September 12th, 2008 11:08 AM

    This sounds fair meaning that you guys are very busy and all.

    Have you and Teclis thought about what you are going to do after you finish at SFU? Oh and what is Sriker’s job anyways?

  3. CylonAndrew September 12th, 2008 1:46 PM

    Well, it is tough jugaling all that stuff around, so i do understand. At least there is the spinoff witch I acedentlly created, EPIC. LOL, I just inspired it.

  4. gamerdude_tw September 15th, 2008 10:10 AM

    wow college, congratz 😀 easy to understand you guys are busy now, good luck with everything.

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