Apr 10

HPAW April 9th 2008: Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Category: HPAW

HPAW kicks off April with Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Yes we did a marathon but we felt we missed some things and wanted to revist the game. Enjoy.

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14 Comments so far

  1. Nilloc2468 April 10th, 2008 6:08 AM

    WOOT First comment!
    Good episode.By the way Mempf I ment to send you a Brawl friend request though E-Mail, but I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t been able to get around to it.Anyways expect an E-Mail soon.

  2. twilight wolf522 April 10th, 2008 7:24 AM

    Alright. Mempf I hope you added my friend code but I doubt you did since I live in Fleetwood and you live in New Westminster. Anyway nice episode.

  3. King Of Iceland April 10th, 2008 7:52 AM

    Ball kicking is always a good way to start an episode

  4. Dago T April 10th, 2008 8:28 AM

    great episode

  5. pw smasher April 10th, 2008 9:10 AM

    Well done HPAW.

  6. Sharpblade April 10th, 2008 9:25 AM

    The episode was great and what was even better was the tourny anouncement; just awesome. Better hope that Brawls Wi-Fi isnt restricted like Mario Striker was, that would be so gay.

  7. metalsnakezero April 10th, 2008 9:34 AM

    I agree with the random player lag. Anyway can’t wait for the GTA4 marathon and maybe the MGS4 marathon.

  8. Phenomenal Ben April 10th, 2008 3:09 PM

    Awesome episode like always!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait until the new marathons occur hopefully and will always look forward to future HPAW things. HPAW is number 1!!!!!!!!

  9. overlord22 April 10th, 2008 6:07 PM

    That was a good episode there mempf. I liked the ending fight.

  10. superbrawler94 April 17th, 2008 12:52 PM

    This is honestly one of the best games I have ever seen. By the way, World, u rly need 2 learn how 2 play as new characters.

  11. rodss April 19th, 2008 11:42 AM

    i want to fight you on this game please answer me.

  12. superbrawler94 April 21st, 2008 11:52 AM

    This is a sweet-ass game!!!!!

  13. Chazz2k9 April 26th, 2008 2:10 PM

    Hey i think u should do a GTA IV Walkthrough itll be so kl.

  14. Brawlownsyou May 11th, 2008 7:32 PM

    That was a kickass video somtime we should brawl i will send my FC to you on youtube and we could battle some time.

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