Top of the line cause it’s always at the top!! lol
Nith6579 June 3rd, 2007
9:10 AM
I just build myself a new one not too long ago for about $630 US dollars; if you plan on getting a new computer, build one yourself. It costs A LOT less and can be extremely high end if you want. Here are my specs :
Operating System:
Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 1 (2600.xpsp1.020828-1920)
(Windows Updates FTL)
Runs games like SupCom great, almost no lag. I’ll grab another stick of RAM to top off at 2 GB later on.
360 June 3rd, 2007
9:51 AM
my pc iz crap with 256mb ram,amd sempron,32mb graphics card,windows xp,and 60gb in harddrive that suks
360 June 3rd, 2007
9:55 AM
but i am geting my pc updated soon with
8500gt graphics card,1gig ram card,an nforce board,amd x2 4400,and a new case will this be able to run crysis low spec? because the 8500gt has directx 10
twilight wolf522 June 3rd, 2007
9:56 AM
Mine pc isn’t that good. But it still works with other game but one Tom Clany’s Rainbow Six Lockdown
ZombieReaper13 June 3rd, 2007
10:08 AM
I dont play on my pc but I play on my 360
I only go on my pc for watchin HPAW
Neofear June 3rd, 2007
3:19 PM
lmao i dont even have a video card and yet i play online games like Warrock and Gunz
Top of the line cause it’s always at the top!! lol
I just build myself a new one not too long ago for about $630 US dollars; if you plan on getting a new computer, build one yourself. It costs A LOT less and can be extremely high end if you want. Here are my specs :
System manufacturer
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5000 (2 CPUs), ~2.6GHz
1024MB RAM
Hard Drive:
250 GB
Video Card:
NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS
Sound Card:
SoundMAX HD Audio
Operating System:
Windows XP Home Edition (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 1 (2600.xpsp1.020828-1920)
(Windows Updates FTL)
Runs games like SupCom great, almost no lag. I’ll grab another stick of RAM to top off at 2 GB later on.
my pc iz crap with 256mb ram,amd sempron,32mb graphics card,windows xp,and 60gb in harddrive that suks
but i am geting my pc updated soon with
8500gt graphics card,1gig ram card,an nforce board,amd x2 4400,and a new case will this be able to run crysis low spec? because the 8500gt has directx 10
Mine pc isn’t that good. But it still works with other game but one Tom Clany’s Rainbow Six Lockdown
I dont play on my pc but I play on my 360
I only go on my pc for watchin HPAW
lmao i dont even have a video card and yet i play online games like Warrock and Gunz
For now my computer is midrange, but near the end of summer my brother will help me make a brand new gaming PC.
I don’t even know but I can’t run WoW
so,how is that?is that low end?cause I can run minesweeper probably
I think low end
in a year or so ill get really high end good enough to run oblivion with no lag
My computer is midrange I guess. I don’t play too many pc games on it because my friend has a high end computer and I just go over to his house.
Don’t play many games on PC. Sometimes I’ll play C&C Generals and Zero Hour.
So midrange and boring arrrggghhh.
I’m saving up for a AMD pimping with the new ATI card and a multicore AMD
The one that I’m useing right now has:
512mb Ram
128Mb ATI X300 graphic
2.96GHZ Pentium 4 Processer
160GB Hard Drive
Windows XP
I dont really Use my Computer For Gaming but i know i can play games like prey and Oblivion on high settings!!!