Apr 29
Do you like WorldGone Awry's new haircut?
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Iv no idea on which way to vote for this. Iv never seen a mohawk in real life (as in like a person thats standing next to me) but it seems that right now most ppl think its lame.
It’s mr. T lol
lol “i pity tha foo who duznt do it SFS style”.
lol he dose almosh
wash worldsh drunksh wensh hesh fortsh ofsh the ideash?likesh mesh…
Coolest.Haircut.Ever. (almost)
World nice hair cut i think it’s cool but it does look a litte stupid but it’s still cool
world is the new mr T. lol
It’s “Okay.” His previous look was alot better IMO, though.
Hair isn’t important though….
just need to fix your clothes up and you are 100% punk!
lol nice hair cut
its actually not that bad.
Fix ur clothes like Cobra said, think leather jacket, leather trousers, chains and also a Harley Davidson 2004 heritage and the image will b complete.
Dude, spandex. I will say no more
It’s not bad. Let the longer part grow out a tad, and it’ll be alot better.
it kinda looks cool
watch this to know punk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR7aKJyAEmk
uuhhhg, its a disgrace to evan’s and their all over the world. heh, its not really that bad. can’t help but laugh..
A act of supreme faggotry? maybe
Awesome Haircut WorldGone Awry
hehe wat a loser
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Iv no idea on which way to vote for this. Iv never seen a mohawk in real life (as in like a person thats standing next to me) but it seems that right now most ppl think its lame.
It’s mr. T lol
lol “i pity tha foo who duznt do it SFS style”.
lol he dose almosh
wash worldsh drunksh wensh hesh fortsh ofsh the ideash?likesh mesh…
Coolest.Haircut.Ever. (almost)
World nice hair cut i think it’s cool but it does look a litte stupid but it’s still cool
world is the new mr T. lol
It’s “Okay.” His previous look was alot better IMO, though.
Hair isn’t important though….
just need to fix your clothes up and you are 100% punk!
lol nice hair cut
its actually not that bad.
Fix ur clothes like Cobra said, think leather jacket, leather trousers, chains and also a Harley Davidson 2004 heritage and the image will b complete.
Dude, spandex. I will say no more
It’s not bad. Let the longer part grow out a tad, and it’ll be alot better.
it kinda looks cool
watch this to know punk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR7aKJyAEmk
uuhhhg, its a disgrace to evan’s and their all over the world. heh, its not really that bad. can’t help but laugh..
A act of supreme faggotry? maybe
Awesome Haircut WorldGone Awry
hehe wat a loser