Mar 26
HPAW July 26th 2006: Battlefield 2
This was our first episode without WorldGone Awry/MsgtBush and it showed how important he is to the show. This was also our first PC game so we had some small issues with the video capture. Never the less it was a good HPAW with a great PC game.
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You made a nice landing their Mempf.
Why was Msgt Bush i.e. WorldGone Awry (whatever) in the credits when he wasn’t there?
hmm dunno maby it was a typo hmm
No not a typo. we do not remove cast members from the credits even if they are not there.
oh yeah, this was before Teclis became a cast member, ah ok.
this is my lest favorite hpaw just becuse world is not in it.
LOL that was my first AOTS episode. AHHHHHHH