Dec 20

Unofficial HPAW: December 20th Up!

Category: HPAW,News

This week on HPAW I mean not HPAW…

Anyway we show the new Forecast Channel and some Virtual Console stuff on the Wii.

Also we show the new Halo documentary and one more thing (which happens to be the bulk of the episode) but you will need to watch it to find out.


12 Comments so far

  1. Strongbadman47 December 20th, 2006 10:35 PM

    First comment!

    and yeah, video is gonig to be awsome!

  2. metalsnakezero December 21st, 2006 2:51 AM

    Good job guys

  3. zyral December 21st, 2006 3:02 AM


  4. Fitz2cool December 21st, 2006 4:01 AM

    I like the new theme music

  5. Dante the Jedi December 21st, 2006 2:23 PM

    Very Nice.

  6. keyblade42 December 21st, 2006 6:36 PM

    “very nice” good job” yes yes very good. good job nice work everyone! oh jezz…

  7. treefity350 December 22nd, 2006 1:29 PM

    Oh god what is boxing day? theres Cristmas and then theres Boxing Day. What does it mean?! Do you go around punching dudes in face? Nobody knows at my school. someone tell me!

  8. Dante the Jedi December 22nd, 2006 4:49 PM

    Use Wikipedia.

  9. Oninger December 22nd, 2006 5:27 PM

    Best video ever.

  10. treefity350 December 23rd, 2006 1:59 AM

    oh right wikipedia

  11. kingdomhearts1020 December 25th, 2006 6:51 PM

    cool video

  12. Ioupopio December 28th, 2006 8:50 AM

    3…2…1…let it rip. I will now punch myself for saying that.

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