Nov 26
Zelda Marathon Completed
We are done and this just might be our best marathon yet.
Please note that editing will take time so please do not constantly ask when the next part will be up.
With that said Part 2 is up and ready for viewing! Check out the side bar.
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Thanks for this! Can’t wait to watch the full marathon!
oh god FINALLY
You don,t have to be a genius to know that everyone is so ready for this marathon.
So just wondering, did any of you get aches and pains from the Wii? A lot of people are complaining about it.
I got some small aches after the first day (Wii sports) but after that none.
The wii wants you to stay in shape, have you try out the Wii sports fitness yet ? it’s like brain age.
ya know a rainbow six vegas, call of duty 3(which is also for the Wii), and gears of war would be great marathons and would fit in 12 hours
Excellant site guys, but one thing remember some of the people listening are kids. Please watch the language or post a warning atleast.
there is no kids on game spot if there are the like 14 so it dosent relly mder