Nov 18
HPAW Public Chat #2: Wii Chat
All right guys, the next public chat will take place some time later in the day on the 19th.
The focus of the chat will be the Wii and I will be taking and answering your guys questions about it.
So get a mic (preferably a headset) if you don’t have one and if you don’t have one well then come anyway as you can use the text based chat to ask your questions.
Check back in the next day and on Wii day for more details including instructions on how to join the chat and when the exact time will be.
16 comments16 Comments so far
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ill be there
same here
I’ll be their too!!!!!
whatever happened to msgtbush?
Msgtbush changed his name to WorldGone Awry a long time ago man.
ohhhhhhhhhh lmao i didnt watch HPAW since the forza motorsport one, no offense Mempf im gonna watch all of em this weekend
where do u get those kh2 songs? they sound awsome
It was H.P.A.W.Podcast 06.09.13 here a link
oh ic
in the forza motorsport on striker and arwy started fighting. it was funny
where do u have public chats
ok i registered
my name was supposed to be Vigen892
mines jedimaster111… i don’t know why they wouldn’t let me put jedimaster11
ill be at the chat too
Got my Wii emblem