Nov 1
H.P.A.W. 06-11-01 Released
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In other news we unofficially won the semi-finals in the BF2142 tournament. However the opposing team said we had cheated and now the game in under review of the admins.
Note: We did not cheat.
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Well Done on wining, I Know you did not Cheat.
There just sore losers “Dousch Bags”
They’re five year old sissy spawn camping corpse humping wierdos who have no respect for the power of hot pants. Anyway, great HPAW.
Of course they’re gonna say you cheated. They’re just pissed about losing.
They sore losers so they are going to say you cheated but i bet you didn’t
I just wish everyone could face losing like a man.
There were sufficient anomalies to require a review, however I’m glad the result was as shown. Just remember for the finals that no SLSBs can be used on Titan Hulls!