Archive for January, 2007

Gears of War Marathon Part 1

January 05th, 2007 | Category: Gears of War,News

It is up.

Go check it out on the side bar like usual.

In other news we will attempt to continue with the marathon now.


Gears of War Marathon Problems

January 05th, 2007 | Category: Gears of War,News

I have bad news. Not only is WorldGone Awry’s Gears of War disk damaged but a lightning storm is causing the power to be unstable.

We may have fixed the disk issues but there is nothign we can do about the power outages but hope they stop soon.

We will provide an update when and if we can.


Gears of War Marathon Filming Today

January 05th, 2007 | Category: Gears of War

Hey guys, Mempf here with an update on the Gears of War Marathon.

Everyone is confirmed to be coming as shown on the Gears of War page.

If everything goes to plan we will be doing system link co-op.

Filming begins at 7:00PM PST and it is currently unknown when the first part will actually go up.

Hope you guys enjoy it when it goes up.


Unofficial HPAW: January 2nd

January 02nd, 2007 | Category: Gears of War,HPAW,News

This is the last unofficial HPAW before the Gears of War marathon so Dante the Jedi and Mempf give you a preview of what to expect.

This also marks the first episode in which we are iTunes/iPod compliant. That’s right now you can watch HPAW on your video iPod and automatically download new episodes using iTunes.

To add HPAW to your iTunes podcast lists click HERE

Or can search HPAW right into iTunes.

Finally the poll to decide split screen or not:


Poll: Favorite HPAW Staff Member

January 01st, 2007 | Category: HPAW

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